We'd adopt a floating rate foreign currency loan with security. 我们采用浮动利率抵押贷款。
Constructed a model to price floating rate commercial mortgages. 创建了一个为商业地产按揭浮动利率定价的模型;
So what is floating rate is made? 那么什么是浮动汇率制呢?
Interest ( rate) swap: An agreement to exchange floating rate payments for fixed-rate payments in the same currency. 利息(率)掉期:在同一货币中,以浮动利率付息交换固定利率付息的协议。
Under a floating rate, a change in the interest rate has quite a powerful effect on the exchange rate and, through the trade balance, has a much bigger effect on the level of economic activity. 但在浮动汇率制下,利率的转变对汇率有着强有力的影响,并经由过程贸易收收对经济勾当的程度有借要大很多的影响。
New ways about using stoning machine to reduce floating rate of activated carbon 利用去石机降低活性炭漂浮率的新方法
The answer lies in the chief difference with US mortgage loans: Irish ones ( like British ones which are also at a higher ratio to income than in the US) are floating rate. 答案在于这些家庭债务与美国抵押贷款的主要区别。爱尔兰的家庭债务(与英国的家庭债务一样,其相对于收入的比例也高于美国)为浮动利率。
If floating rate applies in RMB, it will affect your consumption behavior in PRC. 若人民币实行浮动汇率,会影响你在中国的消费。
A floating rate is determined in the foreign exchange, or Forex, market by supply and demand. 浮动汇率取决于外汇及市场的供给和需求。
The floating rate shall be determined according to the employer-unit's use of the industrial injury insurance premium and the rate of the occurrence of industrial injury. 浮动费率根据用人单位工伤保险费使用、工伤事故发生率等情况确定。
The employer-unit with the occurrence of industrial injury shall, according to provisions, adopt floating rate on the basis of the basic rate. 对发生工伤事故的用人单位在基础费率的基础上,按照规定实行浮动费率。
The floating rate shall be checked and determined once a year. 浮动费率每年核定一次。
Floating rate Bond: Bond on which the coupon is established periodically and calculated with reference to short-term interest rates. 浮动利率债券:这种债券的息票是定期确定的,并参照短期资金利率来计算。
Cap: A floating rate note with an upper limit on the interest rate to be paid. 上限:一种对利率规定上限的浮动利率本票。
Floating rate is made show central bank does not rule one country the official exchange rate of native money and money of his home products, resigned exchange rate is decided initiatively by foreign currency market. 浮动汇率制指一国中心银行不规定本国货币与他国货币的官方汇率,听任汇率由外汇市场自发地决定。
Although today, both fixed and floating rate currencies are used, most exchange is governed by rates set through a managed float. 虽然现如今同时使用固定和浮动利率,但大多数利率采用固定利率并带有一定的浮动。
One proposal advocated at the meeting for diversifying the base of investors would entail the Treasury issuing new securities, including callable debt, ultra-long bonds with maturities of up to 100 years and floating rate debt, on which payments to investors would rise and fall with inflation. 会议上提出了一项实现投资者构成多样化的提案,包括由财政部发行新证券,包括可赎回债券、期限长达100年的超长期债券,以及利息跟随通胀涨跌的浮动利率债券。
Since the election is coming, I think I'll choose the floating rate! 快选举了,我想还是浮动利率好了!
Countries shifted to a floating rate system in which international currency markets were, in principle, allowed to determine exchange rates. 各国纷纷转向了浮动汇率体制在该体制下,原则上由国际外汇市场决定汇率述评。
Any date on which the floating rate payable on a floater is reset. 重新设定浮动利率证券的利息率的日期。
They can convert the floating rate into fixed rate as the loan disburses. 可以在贷款支付时将浮动利率转换为固定利率。
The first floating rate T bond ( 010004) has gone on public in Shanghai Stock Exchange Market. So the challenging question of how to price of the floating rate bonds is put forward. 我国证券市场首只浮动利息债券010004的上市,给市场提出了浮息债券应如何定价的问题。
These are called variable rate bonds or floating rate notes ( FRN). 这类债券称为浮动利率债券。
The interest will be calculated at the floating rate published every day by the People's Bank of China. 利率将按我国中国人民银行每天公布的浮动利率计算。
An alternative to making such a traumatic decision is to have a floating rate. 取代作出这样带损伤性决定的一个办法是制定浮动汇率。
For floating rate loans, receivables or held to maturity investments in the calculation of the present value of future cash flows, the current real interest rate could contract as a cash rate. 对于浮动利率贷款、应收款项或持有至到期投资,在计算未来现金流量现值时可采用合同规定的现行实际利率作为折现率。
We'd adopt a floating rate loan for your company. 对贵公司我们将采用浮动利率贷款。
There are many types of bonds, the most common of which are fixed rate bonds and floating rate notes. 债券有多种,最常见的有固定利率债券和浮动利率债券。
Under this condition, fat floating rate is 1.33%, and centrifugal sedimentation rate is 1.41%. 依此组合进行实验时,植脂淡奶的稳定效果良好,其脂肪上浮率为1.33%,离心沉降率为1.41%。